Hello all. A little while ago I got a box of really cheap metal Chaos Terminators on ebay. I was a little disappointed, because I hadn't realized they were metal at the time I bid. I really like metal models, but they're kind of a pain to convert relative to plastic ones.
Now that I've actually gone about it though, I'm kind of happy with the way they're working out. The only exception is the one that looks like a techmarine. It's going to take some clever greenstuffing to fix that...
All that said, this is phase 1. Phase 2 will be green stuff.
Group Shot |
How do I make him not a tech marine?
My roommate thinks he looks like a Genestealer. |
Bolter rack! 7 for Nurgle! (I actually just happened to have 7 loose bolters) |
I'm going to try to model these to be more Plasma Cannon like and less bolter like.The back is going to have to connect to...something.
Some random desktop shots and the Dreadnoughts I'm working on.
I really need to suck it up and do the trim on these guys. It's the only part I hate and the thing holding them back from being finished. |
I don't know what to do with the guy on the left :( |
I know I promised better pictures of the marines I posted last time, but I primed them and...I can just never get my camera to focus on primed models. Those will come sometime after I finish the second base coat and first wash. I love the guy covered in cables...he's my new favorite model :)